Gassing Your AR Video Series
Posted by Staff on 8/4/2023 to
If a picture is worth 1,000 words, video is worth the entire book. We've assembled a collection of videos on this page that will serve as an introduction and educational resource for those learning about gas-operated rifles and how gas management
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Handguard Compatibility
Posted by Staff on 6/3/2023 to
Riflespeed Gas Controls are compatible with the vast majority of common handguards. There are a few handguard models that may not have enough room to allow proper clearance around or above your Gas Control. This short list includes the models
The Fallacy of the Ideal Gas Port
Posted by Staff on 5/3/2021 to
As we’ve detailed in other parts of the RIFLEBLOG, the AR requires a
balanced system to perform with maximum reliability and minimum recoil
for the longest possible service life. When one leg of the triangle of
factors that determine AR performance is increased or decreased, one or
both of the other two must also change for ideal performance to be
reestablished. Any one gas port size, regardless of how ideal it is with
a given type of ammo, suppressor, or set of conditions, will always be and can only be a compromise...
In Balance - the Operating System of the AR15 and AR10 Family of Firearms
Posted by Staff on 5/3/2021 to
What makes America's favorite rifle run reliably and how do we balance the system in varying conditions, configurations, and with various ammunition?
How to Select the Correct Gas Control for Your Carbine
Posted by Staff on 5/3/2021 to
Selecting the best RIFLESPEED Gas Control for your AR15 or AR10 is a simple process that requires only a minute of your time. Here's how it's done....